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This key unlocks the Goodie Chest at home. The chest is filled by staff members and can only be unlocked when it contains items.

Some next tier cosmetics, upgrade your fit, as well as bonuses from it.

Some next tier cosmetics, upgrade your fit, as well as bonuses from it.

Some next tier cosmetics, upgrade your fit, as well as bonuses from it.

Some next tier cosmetics, upgrade your fit, as well as bonuses from it.

Some next tier cosmetics, upgrade your fit, as well as bonuses from it.

Some next tier cosmetics, upgrade your fit, as well as bonuses from it.

Some next tier cosmetics, upgrade your fit, as well as bonuses from it.

Some next tier cosmetics, upgrade your fit, as well as bonuses from it.

Some next tier cosmetics, upgrade your fit, as well as bonuses from it.

Very Powerful equipment that can only be used by the Mini-Me pet

A pet that is a mini version of yourself. You can give it some gear to help you in combat.